| Membership | Donaldson Company, Inc.

Member Detail:

Donaldson Company, Inc.

Donaldson Company, Inc.

Member Information:

Donaldson delivers a complete system of filtration and separation products for compressed air systems. Our technology in the field of compressed air, gas, and fluid separation extends from the compressor room to all points of use in the factory. Components are designed and matched for optimal performance, while our engineering service leads new product development initiatives from concept to reality.


P.O. Box 1299
Minneapolis, MN 55440-1299

Telephone: 866-933-4648 or 800-543-3634

Fax: 952-698-4936

Member Link (URL):

Product Lines:

Compressed Air Filters, Air Oil Separators, Condensate Management, Desiccant Dryers, Drain Valves, Liquid Filters, Oil Water Separators, On-Compressor Filtration, Sterile Air Filtration and Steam Filtration

Brand Names:
Donaldson®, Donaldson® Filtration Solutions, Duramax®, Synteq®, Select™, Endurance®, PowerCore, Spiracle™, Ultra-Web®


Scott Galloway
E-mail Address:
Telephone: 952-703-4548