

CAGI has developed personnel certification programs for compressed air system professionals and compressed air system assessors that are designed to:

  • Help users/owners/operators of compressed air systems identify those compressed air system professionals who truly understand compressed air systems.
  • Identify compressed air system assessment professionals who possess the necessary expertise to properly conduct accurate assessments.
  • Raise the credibility of compressed air professionals within the industry to provide greater customer confidence.
  • Help qualified individuals differentiate themselves.
Reduced Price

Certified Compressed Air System Specialist (CCASS)

The personnel certification program for compressed air system specialists has been developed by CAGI to provide a means of verifying the capabilities of professionals in the compressed air systems industry. The program will allow customers, utilities, employers, and others to have confidence in the skills and abilities of the professionals in the industry who design, service, sell, and install compressed air systems and compressed air systems equipment. The program has been designed to comply with the ISO 17024 standard, Conformity Assessment–General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of Persons.

The exam assesses an individual’s understanding of compressed air systems and is based on well accepted resource material.


To become a CAGI Certified Compressed Air System Specialist:

  • Register for the exam, locate a test center, and schedule an exam.
  • Take the exam. This is a computer-based test. There are 80 multiple choice questions and examinees have 1.5 hours to complete the exam.
  • Examinees will receive test results immediately. If you pass the exam, you will receive a certificate with a unique certification number as well as a certification seal to be used on business cards and correspondence.
  • Certification is active for three years. To maintain certification, certificants must obtain recertification units and apply for recertification.


The CCASS is available to any compressed air professional, regardless of education, background, or work experience. Candidates interested in sitting for the CCASS exam must:

  • Register for the exam
  • Pay all applicable fees in advance
  • Have not sat for the exam within the past three (3) months

Exam Fees

  • $275 (USD) Limited Time Offer (Reduced from $450)*
  • $150 (USD) One-time retake after unsuccessful attempt. Contact CAGI office to obtain code to activate reduced fee.*

*Registration fee is fully refundable up to 72 hours before scheduled exam time. If you cancel or reschedule the exam within 72 hours of scheduled exam time, you will be assessed a $100 fee.

Register for Exam

Coming Soon - Certified Compressed Air System Assessor (CCASA)

The personnel certification program for compressed air system assessors (practitioners who perform assessments or “audits” of compressed air systems) has been developed by CAGI to provide a means of verifying an assessor's understanding of and ability to apply the ANSI/ASME EA-4 and ISO 11011 standards. The program complies with the ISO 17024 standard, Conformity Assessment–General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of Persons.

The exam assesses an individual’s understanding of well accepted standards and concepts embodied in resource material.


To become a Certified Compressed Air System Assessor:

  • Register for the exam, locate a test center, and schedule an exam.
  • Take the exam. This is a computer-based test. There are 80 multiple choice questions and examinees have 1.5 hours to complete the exam.
  • Examinees will receive test results immediately. If you pass the exam, you will receive a certificate with a unique certification number as well as a certification seal to be used on business cards and correspondence.
  • Certification is active for three years. To maintain certification, certificants must obtain recertification units and apply for recertification.


The CCASA is available to any CAGI Certified Compressed Air System Specialist, regardless of education, background, or work experience. Candidates interested in sitting for the CCASA exam must:

  • Register for the exam
  • Pay all applicable fees in advance
  • Have not sat for the exam within the past three (3) months
  • Be a Certified Compressed Air System Specialist

Exam Fees

  • $595.00 (USD)

Register for Exam: Coming Soon

Register for an Exam

To register for an exam, select one of the options below.

CASA logo
CASS logo
Coming Soon!

Body of Knowledge: Sources for CAGI Certified Compressed Air System Specialist (CCASS) Exam

Other Sources of Information*

The following materials are excellent resources for information about compressed air and compressed air systems.

Required Knowledge, Skills, Abilities (KSA) for CCASS

*No questions on the exams are solely sourced from these resources; however, they provide education about topics that are included in the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) upon which the exams and programs are based.

Certification FAQs

Have questions about the CAGI exams? We've answered the top questions below.

How long is the exam?

The CCASS exam is 80 multiple choice questions, and examinees have 1.5 hours to complete the exam.

The CCASA exam is 80 multiple choice questions, and examinees have 1.5 hours to complete the exam.

How do I prepare for the exam?

CCASS is designed to assess understanding of compressed air systems and related concepts. The focus of the exam is on applied knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA); therefore, the study of references alone is not likely to ensure success on the exam. CAGI does not publish a study guide, but a list of resources will guide study efforts.

CCASA is designed to verify understanding of and ability to apply ANSI/ASME EA4 and ISO 11011. Certification as a Compressed Air System Specialist is a prerequisite to the Compressed Air System Assessor program. CAGI does not publish a study guide, but a list of resources will guide study efforts.

How long will I have to wait to get my results?

The exams are computer-based; therefore, results will be immediate.

May I retake the exam if I had an unsuccessful attempt?

Examinees must wait at least three months from the date of the initial attempt. The fee for the first retake will be reduced to $150. Contact the CAGI office to obtain code to activate discount.

How long does my certification last?

The CCASS and the CCASA certifications are active for three years. Certified individuals must recertify every three years to maintain their recertification. For more information on recertification and to access an application for recertification, click here for CCASS Recertification and here for CCASA Recertification.

How can I file an appeal or complaint?

Use the Appeal Submission Form or the Complaint Submission Form.

Certified Compressed Air System (CCASS) Directory

To search for a current Certified Compressed Air System Specialist, click here to download the CCASS Directory.

If you are searching for a specific Certified Compressed Air System Specialist who does not come up in the search, they may no longer be certified. Please contact the CAGI office if you have any questions.

Certified Compressed Air System Assessor (CCASA) Directory

To search for a current CAGI Certified Compressed Air System Assessor, provide one or more of the following: Coming Soon.

If you are searching for a specific Certified Compressed Air System Assessor who does not come up in the search, they may no longer be certified. Please contact the CAGI office if you have any questions.

CCASS Recertification

To maintain your CAGI Compressed Air System Specialist Certification, you are required to recertify every three years. This helps ensure that certificants stay current with evolving technologies, approaches, and concepts. To qualify for recertification, you must provide CAGI with proof that you have completed activities equivalent to 40 recertification units, from two or more of the categories below, over the 3-year term of certification.

  1. Item (question) Writing: Submit items (questions) that are accepted for use on the CCASS exam. Use the CAGI Item Submission Form. 4 units for each accepted item.
  2. Employment in the Industry (manufacturer, distributor, consultant) since the last exam. 8 units per full year of full time employment. Cannot combine with Area #3 and #4.
  3. Design and/or install a compressed air system. 4 units per instance. Maximum of 16 units per renewal period. Cannot combine with Area #2.
  4. Conduct audit of compressed air system. 4 units per instance. Maximum of 16 units per renewal period. Cannot combine with Area #2.
  5. Publish relevant articles, research papers, or white papers in trade journals or scholarly compilations (not company newsletters or magazines). 8 units per paper.
  6. Conduct training sessions on compressed air system design, operation, efficiency, etc. that provide CEU / PDH (in person or virtual, external and open to the public only. Must provide evidence of session.) 4 units per hour of session.
  7. Attend training sessions on compressed air system design, operation, efficiency, etc. that provide CEU or PDH (In person or virtual, external and open to the public only. Must provide certificate of completion or similar document.) 1 unit per hour of session.
  8. Successfully complete relevant E-Learning program with exam: 4 units per program.

We will attempt to remind you about your recertification date; however, it is your responsibility to apply for recertification and to provide evidence to support recertification before expiration of your certification.

The cost of recertification is $100.00. To recertify, download the CCASS Recertification Application Form.
To upload your completed application and supporting documentation, click here.

CCASA Recertification

To maintain your CAGI Compressed Air System Assessor Certification, you are required to be recertified every three years. To qualify for recertification, you must provide CAGI with proof that you have completed one of the following items to maintain your certification:
Coming Soon